Sunday 27 October 2013

Pennywise Unmasked?

"I’m  curious to know how/when it will all end and if there’s ever going to be an explanation for any of it. Then again, I suppose if he disappears without a trace with zero explanation then it’ll keep that air of mystery. Either way, I’m going to keep track of this one for as long as possible!"

That's what I wrote in my 'Clowning Around' blog post about the freaky Northampton Clown. Well folks, looks like the fun may be over now. The mystery seems to be a mystery no more. According to the UK's national press, the clown is actually a 22 year old university student film-maker who was just having a bit of fun (LINK HERE) What an anti-climax, huh? This supposed revelation prompted me to look over my initial thoughts about the entire charade and I have to laugh at how wrong I was, particularly with this (from 'Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane?'):

"This latest development in this insane story has now pretty much convinced me that the whole thing is a publicity stunt/promotion for something"

Yeah, I was way off. There's been a mixed reaction to the cover being blown, however. Some people are glad that this stunt is finally over, branding it a ridiculous waste of time. Others are very annoyed that the media has ruined a very intriguing and fun story. As for my feelings? Deflated probably sums it up. When the story first broke, it was bizarre but intriguing and I did say that I was going to keep an eye on it. I did, but it seemed that the more popular the clown got, the more the 'freaky' vibe faded. It was emphasised, by the clown himself, that he wasn't out to deliberately scare anyone but come on! Like it wasn't freaky as hell seeing Pennywise's twin randomly standing in the street for no reason. The fright factor was weirdly part of the charm, but he seemed to turn into a publicity clown (eg. making appearances on request as opposed to randomly popping up) and lost his way; Plus, I never heard anything more about 'Boris' the clown catcher. For that reason, I'm kind of glad that it's (possibly) ended because the novelty was already wearing thin; I say 'possibly' because the named student is actually denying that he is the clown, he's just protecting the identity of the real clown. Personally, I think he's been rumbled and is trying to save face/attempt to keep it all going. Maybe he had something planned for Halloween and now it's all in tatters because of the exposure. Then again, what do I know? I thought that it was promotion for a TV show or something!

The last message from the clown is "Don't believe everything you read in the papers", obviously trying to convince the public that this reported identity is bogus. Whether it is or it isn't remains to be seen, but if it is? Well, it was fun while it lasted.

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