Friday 18 October 2013


An Earworm is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person's mind after it is no longer playing

Oh dear. I'm a victim to a persistent Earworm at the moment, in fact it's been annoying me for a couple of weeks! Ladies and Gentlemen, Prince's 'Raspberry Beret' simply refuses to leave my head. I've had the same couple of lines repeating in my head over and over again. No matter what I'm doing (eating, watching TV, playing games, reading etc) I've got this constant tune wedged in my brain. There will be random outbursts of lyrics from me during lulls of silence and it's getting weird. I've had earworms like this before and my solution is usually to hit YouTube and play said song a few times in a row. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that with RB as Prince won't allow his songs online and I have no money in my iTunes account! The closest I could do was going into the iTunes online store and replaying a 40 second sample of the song! It still wasn't enough though and things came to a head a few nights ago when I (drunkenly) hit ebay and bought Prince's Greatest Hits at some unearthly hour. The CD finally came the other day and I've put RB on repeat until I'm sick of it. According to Wikipedia (scepticism enabled), 98% of people experience Earworms and it's women who get more irritated by them - and, on this occasion, I'll believe that.

So to anyone who's experiencing an Earworm that refuses to go away, I sympathise with you! It's one of those things that strangely fascinates me though; the fact that media can still play in your head as if for real. It freaks me out if I think about it too deeply, so I'm off to make myself thoroughly sick of Prince!

(8) She wore a raspberry beret, the kind you find in a second-hand store
     Raspberry beret, and if it was warm she wouldn't wear much more (8)

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