Thursday 19 September 2013

Tango Travesties

I barely go on Facebook anymore. The time I do log in, it's to either play games or chat to one or two friends. My feed is nearly all made up of picture posts from pages I've 'liked' and, usually, I just ignore them. However, there are times when said posts catch my eye and I decide to take a proper look; Tonight is one of those times. Ignoring the badly phrased title (does not look as sexier??), I agree with the general point

I've never understood why so many people think it is. This isn't a normal tan, it's dunking yourself in a vat of Ronseal and looking like somebody's nightmare. I cringe when I see the oompa-loompa look because, 9 times out of 10, these people would look perfectly fine without the varnish -  if not better. As a comment on the Facebook page said: Tan can look good if done right. The phrase 'Less is more', although, cliché, is very apt in this instance.

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