Sunday 15 September 2013


“A hobby is supposed to pass the time, not fill it” – Norman Bates

The above quote (taken from the Hitchcock classic ‘Psycho’) makes a good point!

When you’ve got enough free time on your hands (as I currently do) you have to fill it with something – and that’s easier said than done! The idea of blogging has been floated to me more than once, but I never really gave it much thought until now. After toying with the idea, I’ve finally decided to take the plunge into the blogging world. I have to say, my expectations are mixed. I don’t know how it’s all going to pan out, but I thought I'd have a stab at it anyway.

I suppose I feel like I did when I first got Twitter. Just posting random thoughts/feelings/opinions out into cyberspace seemed initially weird as I didn’t really expect anybody to come across them. But, I persevered with it anyway and now I can't imagine not being on it.

Anyway, the aim of all of this is to give myself something to do with the free time I’ve got. I want to gush about things I love, rant about things I hate and just generally ramble about anything and everything. I'm aware this is rather 'Jack of all trades...' but a particular theme hasn't come to me so far. Maybe that will change eventually, who knows?

So in the spirit of getting the ball rolling, I’ll end it here for now. Perhaps this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship! We shall see…

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