Monday 16 September 2013

Clowning Around

"Send in the clowns. Those laughy, daffy clowns”


That’s what Simpsons’ clown Krusty sang at his comeback show in the episode ‘Krusty Gets Kancelled’. However, there is nothing “laughy” or “daffy” about the bizarre story that’s circulating right now...

A carbon copy of 'Pennywise', the killer clown from Stephen King’s ‘IT’, is loitering around random parts of the town of Northampton (East Midlands region of England). The clown first appeared this month - on Friday the 13th no less. Now, first conclusion is that the whole thing was a publicity stunt or practical joke considering the date, however the clown has remained roaming the streets since. Reports have stated that the clown has been standing on street corners, he's waved to people and often has a teddy bear hanging from one wrist. As if that isn’t freaky, the clown allegedly knocked on a stranger’s door and offered to paint the occupant’s windowsills – despite having no equipment to do it with. Now that really cranked my creep-o-meter right up. That in particular sounded like something right out of the cult, UK black comedy series ‘The League Of Gentlemen’. They specialised in creating utterly bizarre (sometimes downright terrifying) characters that were full of dark humour. This Pennywise replica would’ve fitted in perfectly!

I, for one, am glad that I’m nowhere near Northampton, although I suppose this could happen in any town if someone had the idea. That’s not to say that I’ve got a fear of clowns, because I don’t, but there’s something very sinister about the whole charade. Nobody knows where this clown has come from or why he’s doing what he’s doing. Nobody knows how long he’s going to hang around for either. Despite that, he has a Facebook page and a Clown-Watch has started, with people on the lookout to catch a glimpse of him! I’m not actually surprised about this as the whole thing really is intriguing as well as unnerving. I’m  curious to know how/when it will all end and if there’s ever going to be an explanation for any of it. Then again, I suppose if he disappears without a trace with zero explanation then it’ll keep that air of mystery. Either way, I’m going to keep track of this one for as long as possible!

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