Wednesday 18 September 2013

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane?


In my last post about the shenanigans of the eerie Northampton Clown, I said I'd be keeping track of the story to see if anything else unfolds - and it has! Another figure has now appeared on the streets: Boris the Clown Catcher. Boris appeared last night to begin his search for Pennywise's doppelganger, assuring the public that he comes in peace.

This latest development in this insane story has now pretty much convinced me that the whole thing is a publicity stunt/promotion for something. When you analyze it, there's no way that anyone could loiter around as sinisterly as that clown and not get hauled in by the police or someone similar. The fact that this hasn't happened to Pennywise, and Boris has now showed up, must mean that the whole thing has been planned and OK'd by people higher up.The idea that Boris is the same guy who plays the clown has also been floated and I'm in agreement. I bet they'll never be seen at the same time!

In my last post, I likened the clown stunt to something out of 'The League Of Gentlemen'. Since Boris has arrived, I'm now getting a 'Trigger Happy TV' vibe from it. 'Trigger Happy TV' was a UK hidden camera show (London based) where comedian Dom Joly mingled with the general public in confusing, amusing and just plain daft scenarios. He had a variety of costumes and characters that he regularly wheeled out to the unsuspecting general public. Personally, I loved the show due to the reactions of the public. The were just completely baffled and bemused by what they were faced with; this clown/superhero stuff sounds like it could be in the same vein. I wouldn't be surprised if it were.

However, if this isn't the case, then I'm well and truly stumped! The clown has promised a "Big surprise" at the end of the week, which could be the climax of this freaky charade. Maybe Boris/Pennywise will reveal himself as someone we all recognise?

We wait with bated breath...

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