Saturday 28 June 2014


Wow, I haven't logged in here for a looooooong time. This is exactly the problem I was worried about; starting the blog ball rolling, then drying up after a few months. I didn't want it to go this way, but it happened anyway. The reason? Well, I seem to blame it on the fact that I had no clear direction. I was rambling about anything and everything instead of a set subject that I could comment on. Having an anything-and-everything blog is great as long as you've got something to write about regularly - and there was my problem. So I did what I knew I was going to do when I hit this brick wall - I stopped writing posts altogether. What was the point agonising thinking of something to write about? So I abandoned ship and thought "Meh. I tried". So why have I suddenly made this post after almost eight months? The answer is: the cinema.

I went to the cinema last week; first time I've been in seven years (hey, there's that number again!) and a lot had changed. Ticket prices had gone up considerably, adverts and trailers seemed to go on far longer than they used to and the popcorn wasn't as foodgasmy as it used to be. One thing hadn't changed though and that was me and my inner critic. Just like riding a bike, it was second nature to me to slip back into 'critic mode', making mental notes all the way through it. Once the film had finished, I launched right into a discussion with the friend I'd gone to see it with of all the pros and cons. Of course, she hadn't gone into it as in-depth as I had and I soon realised that I should stop dissecting the thing and just get the drinks in and relax. It did get me thinking about my abandoned blog though, and how the last load of posts had been me writing about films. So, I suddenly thought about re-branding and using this blog to record these ramblings of my inner critic; not just recent or new releases, but also look at films in retrospect ie. if i've already seen them or if I'm late to the party. Whatever way I do it, I want to use here to do it in. Hopefully I can stick at this better than my first attempt, who knows?

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